I used to have no trouble posting with fairly good titles. Now I always feel so lame about them, and they annoy me. Oh well.
They're probably a foretaste of the lameness to come.
First order of business: what's happened since Wednesday -
New in the shop:
Sneak Peek pic shared on Facebook yesterday:
Fashion Scarf - Final Fall Line Outfit |
You guessed it - the 3rd outfit is done!
Now to finish the accessories for the 2nd outfit, and we'll be all set. The jacket will take 30 minutes to finish. The jewelry..still needs to be bought and made. The photo shoot will take about an hour. One day? Maybe 2? No problem.
(Of course, now that I've said that, something will happen)
The entire Fall Line WILL be released and listed next week. We may have a special deal on Cyber Monday. You will want to drool all over the outfits, cry because you can't decide, and then cry again when you can't get them all.
We're already going through that process.
We don't want to see them go. :'(
These three outfits, are the BEST WE HAVE EVER DONE.
And if we keep on like this, imagine what the Winter Line will look like?
Btw, the winter line comes out in 2013.
And it's going to be different from our first two fall lines in a very awesome way.
Since the Fall Line outfit comes out (completely) next week, we think y'all should get really excited. I mean, we don't want to be the only ones with cookies and cocoa, cupcakes, and Christmas music, dancing around and giggling.
That would just be weird.
So join us in our celebration!
Every day, (unless something drastic happens, like forgetting) we are going to give you a new sneak peek pic and a teaser caption.
We will also order you to eat a certain waistline-hating goody and toast our holiday season success.
Then we will walk you through the emotional process of dealing with our awesomeness.
It's tough on everyone, but you'll make it through. We know you will.
After all, you have to read blog posts written by me, and deal with my great humbleness. If you can make it through that each week (and our stats show that you do), then we know you've gotta be as tough as my nails. They're rather like claws. And they prefer to stay untrimmed.
Only I would compare friends to my nails....
I betcha that's why Elisa cringes everytime I publish another post. She probably wonders what I just did to deter you from coming back or what I just said to scare off sales.
What can I say?
My wittiness is both a gift, and a curse.
(Elisa would say mostly a curse)
One that I am not quite master of yet....
Well, I am sure that I will hear all about it tonight, as right after work, I'm going to head over to her house and spend the night (and most of the next day, I would guess).
My main objective this evening will be to avoid a lecture.
Some people are just so responsible.
It shocks me, really.
Rather disgusting waste of talent and time.
At least that's not one of my problems.
Please Note:
Haha, please don't think I'm really like this. It's a mood I sometimes get into, but that's as deep as it goes.
This is really why Elisa likes me - cuz I'm not completely "all there".
Actually, if I were to be completely honest, she really likes me just to eat my food, and steal my clothes, and drag me around like she has someplace important to go, and laugh at my lack of intelligence, and.... well, maybe that's not completely true either.
Better stick with my former assumption.
Disregard the latter.
(I'll get in too much trouble)
Watch for today's sneak peak photo!
I'll do my best to post it to FB and here at the same general time.
Blessings Y'all!
- Paige