


I know it's late...therefore, it's going to be a short blog tonight...
Today was Paige's brother's surgery for his chest...
It went well.
Today is also Halloween...
I didn't dress up this year since we had church tonight. However, if you did we would l♥ve to hear about it.
Paige and I were able to get a small photo shoot done today, though (it's cold outside...brrrrrrr)
Photos will be posted Friday for Photography Friday.
I was supposed to do at least one tonight to give you a sneak peak, but as you can see I didn't.
It's Paige's fault...she didn't remind ;)
Yes, I know I don't have any theme for tonight, but ya see I'm supposed to be doing my devotions and then sleeping right now. However, I did rememberthat I was supposed to post, and I told Paige I would, so I guess I have to keep my word :D
I have absolutely nothing else to talk about, except to tell you the computer hates Paige. I was laughing soooo hard today as Paige kept making mistakes or things wouldn't exactly work like Paige one time she cut off half of Robin's face trying to edit it for our shop. Never quite got it to work still.
Well I will stop boring you guys to death lol
Everyone sleep well
Nighty Night
Don't let the bed bugs bite
(or spiders)
God Bless and Sweet Dreams

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