

Birthday Bash - Crazy Sunday Edition

Crazy Sunday for sure! 

I slept late, which has been a very frequent problem for me lately. 
We missed Sunday School.
I'm the only person who waters the garden, so sleeping late means I have to get creative about it, and waste time. 
Oh yeah, and I had to water the front flower bed and the lilacs at the side of the house, and our soon to be planted hydrangea bush.
We cleaned house every chance we got (not that you would be able to tell now!).
Church service was awesome, as normal, but we couldn't hang out and chat, so that was a bummer.
Came home and put away dishes 2 or 3 times before they were all done. 
REALLY cleaned my room. Imagine that - I have a floor! (covered in dirt and fuzzies and random paper scraps and eraser bits.....)
My brother and little sister's joint birthday party began
. . .
Well, let me just say, in our family, a birthday party is really actually a child zoo, and we've been having a LOT of those lately. =D
Stuffed my face, tried to photograph my youngest niece, listened to frequent squeals - from my nephews, mostly - wandered about, etc. 
Then it was dessert time....both of my siblings went the strawberry route, so it was a choice of strawberry cake with strawberry frosting, or strawberry jello mousse. I had both. =)
Next was presents - probably the most popular thing at a party for those who are receiving. ;)
My brother got a lot of stuff he has wanted for his room, along with nice amounts of cash.
My sister got cash, earrings, best friends feather hair clips, perfume, body lotion, sunglasses, a bead set, a photo album (with 2/3 of the book already filled), and a small wooden trunk that has been on her wish list for over a year.
A package is coming in the mail for her, and then there is one more gift that she could be getting.
She made out like a feminine bandit. Haha.

The photo album is a joint gift from all of us siblings - which reminds me, they all owe me some moolah! Haha, yes!!! =D
Moving on.
The wooden chest was from me. I got both the photo album on sale back in...January, I think? Anyways, with the sales going on,I got the album for about 1/2 normal price, the painting and writing supplies that I used on the chest for 1/2 price, also, and using a coupon, I got the chest for almost half. It was a major score. I am pretty sure it was all under $25...but I could be wrong.

Of course, the craziness didn't stop after gifts, especially since we have house guests for the rest of the week....4 very energetic youngsters who rise with the sun, and snuggle-buggle the best until about 8:30. Then they can't take it any longer, and there is no rest for the weary until around 9:30 at night. The noise level increases about 179% for the entire week.
Clean is a thing of the past. On all levels.
Close to Clean is laughable. 
Filthy is perfect.
All 7 pairs of little feet make generous contributions to the above statement. Four pairs of bigger feet attract the contributions and redistribute.
Then the numerous stuffed animals, 'blankies', pillows, and bodies - don't ask - smoosh the dirt+ around. 
It usually takes a month to recover. 
But it's worth every second!

Haha, don't ask me how I feel about it next week, or 1st thing tomorrow morning, or in a few minutes when I go to bed and have to move a handsome little man out of my way so that I can sleep...he gets pretty heavy!

So maybe this post didn't have much point, but I had to blog about something, and my life is somewhat little bit of sort of something. lol.

Two quick pics of the chest I gave to my sister:

 More to follow - but not today. =)

And that's a wrap!!! 

With lot's of yawns and random blinkings, 

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