

Monday Madness {Vacation Bible School}

Ugh. I am really tired and sore. But waking up to impish grins and book-loving snuggle bunnies was nice. ♥

 The last time I managed to get up before 7:30 AM was back when I could actually get up before dawn to get my day started - the above pic is from one oh-so-early morning while studying for one of my last history the morning light at 6 AM.

Getting up is painful.
Especially for this teenage girl.
You know how sleep is referred to as beauty sleep -for girls, not guys!-? Well, trust me, I need all of that kind of sleep that I can get!

My youngest nephew sleeping over for the week wanted to sleep in my bed last night....I miss hearing that from my oldest nephew. But he's too cool for that now. I wish little boys wouldn't grow up so fast, and that teenage boys wouldn't dawdle so much about it(growing up), lol.
Anyways, after posting yesterday's blog post, I brushed my teeth, got changed, and settled down into bed. Of course, I had to move him quite a bit, but he wasn't as heavy as I thought, so that was good. I settled down and started listening to music on my MP3 player.
I got to thinking, and I rolled over carefully, so as not to squish my nephew, and felt wetness. I started to panic, but realized it was only from him sweating.
I settled back down . . .
remembered that he has to wear a pull-up at night, just in case. 
Then I really did panic.
I checked. 
I groaned and flopped down again.
I must have shaken him a million times and whispered his name just as many when, finally, his eyes fluttered open.
"[nephew's name], you need to put a pull-up on!"
. . .
He was already back to sleep.


Needless to say, I changed it for him. He slept through the whole thing.

* * *

It must have been 7 or something. I didn't even bother to open my eyes long enough to tell. "Padie....Padie! Wake up, iss mornin'!"
"Yesss, hehehe."
"[nephew's name], no way. I'm not getting up...EVER."
"Otay. I'm gunna toe eat brefest. See wa waiter!"
~ 20 minutes pass ~
I roll over, and my hand lands on something alive. My eyes pop open, and just as quickly close. I think they sealed themselves right after.
"[other nephew's name], what are you doing?"
[Other nephew] turns to face me. "Tnugglin wid you."
Me: "Oh."
[Other nephew]: "It's morning, Paigie - "
I sounded like a dead person when I groaned.
"will you read me stories now?"
A slow smile crept across my face, but my eyes wouldn't open. So I used my fingers and pried them open. By now, my nephew is curious as to what on earth I am doing. "Watcha doing, Paige?"
I replied. 
I don't think I managed to say it in English. I didn't even think it in English. Even I couldn't understand it.
"What?" he asked.
"I dunno," I muttered. It took my hands away from my eyelids - instant close. I sighed. "Oh well. I guess I'm too tired. My eyes won't open."
"I help you - "
"NO - that's OK! I've got it..." and a handful of blinks later, I did.
I read two stories to both of my roommates before my oldest little sister came in to announce that waffles were ready - BAM! - they were off like a shot. I lay back down and pondered my day for three minutes. And then I got up, dressed, and went out to water the garden....just like every other day.

Except that when I came in today, my buddies came running up to me and hugged me. "You home!" they shouted.
I laughed at them and began our morning wrestle.

I promised more pics of my sister's chest, and I'm about to make good on that promise.

I painted the chest turquoise - her favorite color, and Saturday night I added the Bible verse and other details in silver.
Matthew 6:21 seemed prefect for a small chest - "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." 

The second picture down shows you the top of the actual storage part, where I wrote a dedication to my sister. You might be able to see that I addressed it, "To my precious vanilla waifer...." - the rest doesn't show. I wanted to draw your attention to that because it's my special nickname for her. So from now on, whenever I refer to this particular sister, you'll see me call her Vanilla Waifer.

Wiafer - isn't that spelled wrong? Eh, technically, yes. But for the meaning, no. And the meaning to both parts is kind of strange. But hey, it's what came to mind a couple of months back, and it stuck. 
If you don't think it's a nice nickname, try mine - Paigie Poo.
Who wants a nickname ending in Poo?!?
You can thank all of my bestest friends and family for that. -_-

The flower I drew inside the front panel of the chest, under the "I ♥ you! ~ I ♥ you! ~ ....". It's not very good, but it's something. Also, there are little hearts on either side of the flower...just not close enough for the picture to show.

The lighting was weird when I was taking pictures, so the pictures I have of the photo album that we siblings gave to Vanilla Waifer turned out weird...but actually kind of cool. It's like the edges of the photo sleeves inside fuzzed out into cloudiness.....

See what I mean? 

The rest of my day consists of:
Memorizing lines for the skit 
Trying to make my room a little neater
Probably more pictures
Getting ready for VBS
Leaving early for VBS
Kids in bed
Lights out
Blissful sleep

I'd better get crackin'!

Sleepy, sore, and grumpy,

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