

Tasty Thursday - Monster Edition

It's that time of week again!

Addy graciously let me do my own blog post today, seeing as how she had nothing to do with the Monsters. I find her very funny.

Ok, so this is basically going to be a bunch of photos of what I my Mom and I made for my nephew's 5th birthday. Usually Mommers and I do birthday cakes and cupcakes together, but my Mom's work schedule that week didn't allow for that - she even had to miss the party!
However, Mommers baked everything, and began piping the monster cake before she had to go. The rest was up to me. Yay.
I like decorating cakes and cupcakes. But it's no fun doing it alone. And I didn't have Mom around to complain to when my hand started cramping, or I whipped up the frosting too fast and got splattered, or when I stuck my finger in the cake by accident.
It was a bit of a bummer.

But after I got all the fur on, I got to make the faces. And THAT has to be my FAVORITE part! I love giving non-living objects personalities, and the way I do that with food is through facial expressions. Some of these just crack me up!

I got my facial expression inspiration from some monkey faces I did awhile back for my niece.

And we got our over-all inspiration from one of my sister's pins, here. It's the 6th pic down. :)

Now for the pics!

Really. I mean it. I'm a really nice guy.

The pirate monster was a big favorite. I had 3 cupcakes left when I thought of doing there was only one. :/

The only girl. Haha.

He had to sit next to the pirate all night. I think he must have been threatened; he looks a little fearful. I moved him in the morning, so that he would feel better in time for the party later.

I think the orange one on the right found something to eat....doesn't he look a little guilty?

Left: This guys next to me is a little too optimistic about his chances of survival.
Right: C'mon Man! Loosen up!

Mustache: I have a UNI BROW! How humiliating...
Cyclops: I am so lucky to be able to see!
Eye Roller: I can't believe I'm grouped with these two...get a life, you guys!

PLEASE. Don't eat me!

Eat? Who said anything about being eaten!?!

Oh grow up, 'fraid cat. Everybody's gonna be eaten sooner or later. Monster up! Scare the Kids, and you've got a shot at 5 more minutes. Huh.

I gave some of them scared faces - they're about to be eaten, for crying out loud!
Others grumpy faces - they don't like parties.
Some smiled - it's the kid's birthday party, after all.
And yet others were crazy - either a reflection of myself, or they were driven to that state by emotions. You decide for yourself.

 If you have any questions about how I did it, what I used, etc, feel free to comment. I will reply!

Love Monsters!

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