

Father's Day Ispiration

Only a few days. A few days until the big day. A few days until we take an entire day to celebrate our Dads, to show them how much we love them, and to do something special for them.

Don't you just love Father's Day?

As wonderful as the day is, there is one eensy weensy problem that goes with it.

Sorry peoples. I have to do a news flash. DAD! If you're reading this, STOP!
Ok. Thanks. Now I'll continue. :) 


Sure, give him a good meal or two, and a superb dessert...these things do have a way of making a fella happy. ;)
But if you're trying to give a gift as well, it's a hard thing to do. 
Most men, unless they garden, will not enjoy a bunch of flowers. 
Most men, unless they never grew up, will not enjoy a box of awesome Legos.
Most men, unless they need them and you know their style, will not enjoy clothes. 

A box of chocolates? Isn't that a girl thing?
A new tie? Another one?
Darth Vader costume? Hey, now you're talking!

No, seriously. It is a hard thing to decide.

Maybe you've already decided. Maybe you're just left with finding a good hiding spot. If so, then this post probably won't matter to you. 
But if you aren't as prepared, then hopefully this post will give you some ideas, and get you going in time!

Depending on the Dad, you may or may not actually have a hard time finding something.
My dad is easy - an expensive car, abs of steel, a winning lottery you can see, he's no problem. 

So onto y'all who aren't as lucky as me (haha, right). Here are a couple of links that might help.
Scroll down a bit on this exact link, and there is a Father's Day Deals section.
Maybe he's a Dicks kinda guy. Give him a gift card, and let him decide. 
A custom keychain, perhaps?

Get awesome card inspiration on Etsy. Or maybe even buy one of them!
Play some games in this Father's Day challenge?
Gonna decorate? Tie it all in together! (hehe, that was bad, sorry)
And how cute is this idea?
Have some fun, and get creative!

And maybe he is a chocolate kind of guy. Try this, and don't laugh too hard at the idea. :)

Does your dad HATE his ties? Does he have 3001 of them hanging in his closet? Try getting crafty.

Don't Forget Grandpa!!! He would love to receive a little lovin' too! Why not pay him a visit? I'm sure that will brighten his entire day. :)

And remember: sometimes the best gifts are your time, love, and smiles.

Note: I had an absolute BLAST looking up all these links and sharing them with you. I hope you do too! I'd better get busy - after all, the big day is only a few days away!


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