

My Dream - Following My Heart

My dream is pretty simple. On the outside. But in's ginormous!!!

My Dream? To follow my heart, wherever it leads.

But there's more meaning behind that than you might imagine.

Last week Elisa shared with you her dreams. 
Hers come from the same place as mine - the heart. Not the flesh and blood kind; the kind that holds your deepest emotions and feelings. The kind that holds the soul. And the soul holds the Holy Spirit, if you ask Him in. We have.

Yep. That makes us Christians. 
And that makes my heart a place where my Savior controls. I want to follow Him, because I KNOW, that He has the best plan for my life. Whatever His plan(s) may be, it's a perfect plan only messed up by my own doing.

His plan for my life centers around what is referenced in the Bible as the heartbeat of the church - Missions.
He's been calling me to missions ever since I was a little girl. He hasn't stopped calling. I listened then, and I still listen now.
I know that I don't have to wait until I get older to be able to serve Him in missions. God has been laying several things on my heart lately, that I'm preparing for them until He says that the light is green. You will most definitely be hearing about them in the future.

For now, let it suffice to say that the details of my future, whatever they may be, rest in His hands, and His alone.

Am I just blindly throwing away my life? I think not.

 In the 9 or so short years that I have been a Christian, I have seen God's hand in my life, every single day. I know what He has done for me, and what He continues to do. It's absolutely astounding. I've tried running away from His will. Don't get me wrong, the years I spent running (My earliest teen years) have many great memories and growing experiences. And yes, I was happy. But I wasn't joyful. The deep emotion kind of joyful. The kind that makes it impossible to ever truly become depressed. Several major circumstances in my life sat me firmly down, and forced me to look at my life more closely. One look in the Bible's mirror, and I knew I had my work cut out for me.

By following all the little love notes my Heavenly Father has left for me in His Word, I came to realize that I would need to make a serious decision. There was no middle ground option. Only completely giving up trying to do what I knew to be right, or give God my all.

I chose the latter.

Ever since then I have had that true joy. And I have grown happier, healthier, and had more of my dreams fulfilled than I know would have happened otherwise. I am continually blessed, and I am at peace with my decision.

In the words of King David, "My cup runneth over...."
(Psalms 23:5c)

Joyfully His,
~ Paige   

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