

Mother's Day

Mothers' Day

A day to remember the past year of your life with your Mom, or reflect on the past year of being a Mother. I think the person who made Mother's Day a holiday must have been an awesome person. ♥

YOU know how it is. An awesome person setting up awesome days to celebrate in awesome ways super awesome people. How could it not be awesome?

Hehe. I could list a few ways....

1. Your oldest daughter at home (which would be me...) picked a breakfast that you've never had; and she has never made. (It turned out fine, btw. However, I wouldn't blame you if you were to completely lose trust in me after you read #'s 3-4).
2. You are pretty darn late for church service, and walk in during greeting time (shaking hands with one another while the music is playing).
3. Your youngest comes into church bawling her eyes out over a headache.
4. The same youngest throws up twice during church service (3-4 minutes before going home for medicine, and 5 minutes before reaching church again).
5. After lunch the middle child at home starts to feel sick.
6. Your oldest child barks at everyone and demands family photos - you know, the kind that doesn't involve Christmas trees and pajamas. 
7. Your husband thinks the pictures are going to be in the back yard and is surprised to discover that everyone else in the house already knows that it's at the park (and he's kinda tired).
8. Your oldest calls to wish you happy mother's day. You wish her the same, and then, under your teenage daughter's threatening fist (mine) you have to deliver the awful news that next weekend three members of her family (including her) are going to be forced through a photo shoot. (PS. I get really good shots of people. Most of the time. And I get everyone to cooperate. I also thank God for photo editors to cover up the bruises that my subjects receive in the process).

Ok. I didn't actually threaten her to pass along the news. She did it voluntarily. I actually forgot all about it. Ha. Lucky.

9. You really prefer not to be in pictures...but you are forced into more with your oldest daughter at home and later your son. By the end you're laughing so hard you are practically crying, so maybe it wasn't so bad after all. Maybe.
10. Last but not least, after coming home you take a death march around the block with your hubby. A hot, sweaty march.

Do you get the idea that maybe we made a very memorable Mother's Day for my Mom? Not as much as you might think. This was out best year yet.

On the flip side...

1. Breakfast turned out perfect
2. We gave her an awesome coffee machine (single cup, and RED, cuz it's her favorite color)
3. She got to have her favorite coffee, a special breakfast, and cards from all of her kids (except me) in bed before lunchtime.
4. The middle child didn't actually throw up. 
5. She smiled and laughed a great deal.
6. She got to read for a few hours on the front porch in the early afternoon sun.
7. She didn't have to cook a single thing.
8. NOTHING was burnt, or even close to being so. (ok, I lied. One half of a chicken breast was a little on the "dark side")
 9. She wasn't completely eaten alive by mosquitoes. 
10. Her day was awesome. Because I said so. (I cooked everything, I should know. Every "chef" must "taste test")

So yesterday was Mother's Day, and I hope your Mom got a glimpse of how much her life has blessed yours all year long in the short 24 hours that we are given to REALLY show how grateful we are. (Sorry if that sentence was a little hard to read)

Here are some photo's of the day that I can share with you.

The menu for breakfast was crepes with pudding, fruit, and powdered sugar. Yummy, right?

I used a basic crepe recipe from (the link takes you right to it). From there, it was just sliced fresh fruit, Jello's chocolate pudding, and powdered sugar. 

I got the idea from a Yahoo! News article that happened to be featured in their daily news stories - you know, the ones that are in small icons and listed in groups of five? (If you don't know, that's ok too. I can't seem to find the article on Yahoo! anymore. :/ ) The article suggested crepes, bananas, and Nutella. 

I believe I decided on a better option. :-D

We served her breakfast in bed, and brought it in on a tray. On the tray we had cards for Mom that we made and bought from Walmart's Online Photo Center.

All in all, it was a wonderful Mother's Day.

I hope yours was too!


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