

I'm SO HAPPY, and Here's the Reason Why....

Elisa's coming home TODAY!!!

While she was away...
I went to her house more often than I ever do when she's home
I pretty-kitty-sat adorable Frisky 
I plotted evilness (Elisa likes that stuff)
I missed her BUNCHES
I had a lot of blond moments involving her house (totally the Elisa effect)
And I had two 'accidents' while driving. 
(They were clearly not my fault - the bushes attacked me. Obviously they wanted to eat the red paint on my Dad's Thunderbird. And the mailboxes definitely jumped out to whack my Mom's side mirror because they didn't want Dad to get the mail while sitting in the car. Nothing was permanent or actually broken, so I consider it a minor thing to mention. Did I tell you my Grandmother still let's me driver her Caddy?)
What I missed most...
her smile
her laugh
chatting frequently
complaining together (about the unfairness of rising before lunchtime, schoolwork, etc.)
seeing her on Sunday
blaming her for everything I do wrong (she's a terrible influence you know)
aannnddd just knowing she's only a few minutes away

What I can't wait to do...
Hug her
Do all the above at the same time
Tease her
Whisper secrets (I'm good at inventing stupid stuff in the spur of the moment; I rarely have any real ones)
Have her drag me around (like usual) 
Play piano together
Have her sing beside me (to drown me out, haha)
Cause trouble in the back row during Sunday School (seriously though, we whisper about the lesson and what we missed when taking a different note. that almost gets us separated =/)
Find really dumb things funny together
Yell at each other from across the room
Taking notes off each other during sermon
Being miserable together when the situation arises (chocolate shortages are among the top reasons to do so)
Listen to her tell stories about vacation (some of them several times, with new details or links to another story)
Steal her camera and SD card if she doesn't post pictures online fast enough
And just being together =)

What I did to her house...
It's a secret.
Can't tell ya. 
Boy is it fun to have a key and a knowledge of Elisa's phobias...
Would I be that cruel?
Try me. 

Evil chuckles,


Phobia #1
My presence

I intend to bring that one around a lot.)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Well I wrote a previous comment but there was spelling
    Anyways this is what it said or something like it:
    Paige I laughed a couple of times out loud at this one. I love you sooooooo much and I'm so thankful you are my best friend and that you are here for me and my family.
