

History {Of Recent Times}

OK, that's it.
I think it's time that someone finally posted again, don't you? 

So much is going on -still!- and I've hesitated to blog for a number of reasons. 
For instance, yesterday was 9/11 (remembrance). 
How could I post about anything trivial?
I could not.
The only right thing to do, if I were to post, would be to say something about that day, that fateful day, several years ago.
Who am I to add to all that was said and done? I'm just a girl who has never done anything to serve or protect her country. With only a vague memory of the day, I cannot even attempt to step up to the plate and add my two cents on a day that changed our country forever. A day that robbed thousands of loved ones and heroes. A day that robbed our people of a feeling of safety. A day that threatened our country, and all that we stand for. A day that I hardly remember, but a day that has seared it's unwelcome memory and pain into another's heart, and soul, and mind.
Who am I, to try to add a ripple to that pond?
In light of that, I can't. I couldn't. I won't.
I am everlastingly grateful to every single man and woman who has EVER had ANYTHING to do with protecting our land, our freedoms, our people. And I can never say it enough, but I can at least say it often.
Thank - You.

You are not just America's heroes, 
you are MY heroes.
"a [person] of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities."
 So TODAY, I'm gonna share with you some the of the fun that Elisa and I have been having lately, when we weren't too busy to have it. =)
Both Elisa and I would ♥ to answer your questions about anything we have done recently, so feel free to ask!
First we went to camp (August), then the Great Escape/Six Flags (September).
I'm sure there were other things, too.
But I only have time to share a few pictures of each. {That means they will be my favorite, and the best. =D}

Night Y'all!


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