Howdy! It's been awhile since you have heard from me, hasn't it? Man life sure can be busy, especially if you are a pastor's kid lol.'s awesome, long but oh so awesome.
This summer was filled with VBS, Family Camp, Youth Activities, School (yes still doing some school...shh don't tell anyone), and a lot more so far. Upcoming is teen camp and another church's VBS...FUN!
I have another blog for VBS and I'll be telling you all about it. Meanwhile I thought I would show some pictures that I've taken. I know I haven't done one of these in awhile.
I won't have time to write another blog till Thursday and I'll be explaining some of my busyness then. Also expect a gardening blog and a sneak peek for Etsy...if I don't do them then I'll be sure to post them next time.
Enjoy the photos!
L♥ve this photo. I have a story to tell you about one these little guys in my gardening blog...looking forward to sharing it

This photo is an album of mine called Simple Things. It's one of my favorite things to capture...a simple photo that captures the beauty of God's creation.
A white peacock...not as colorful as the other one that I showed on the Creation Museum blog, but just as beautiful in it's own way

Absolutely l♥ve waterfalls. I would go anywhere just to see one. Hiking to one is one of my favorite things to do
Well I hope you enjoyed seeing these photos of mine. There will be more later this week.
Have a great night and week! God bless!
Thanks for sharing Elisa, the railroad photo is my favorite.
ReplyDeleteThose picture were so beautiful! :) love the chipmunk I think it is in the second picture? and I couldn't agree with you more about railroads makes me wish I still lived beside one. When my dad was pastoring in Missouri we lived about 5 feet away from a rail road track it was awesome except when they would come through in the middle of the night and blow their whistle. Always woke us up and scared us real badly! :P lol Sounds like you sure are having a lot of fun this summer. Is your father a baptist minister? Just curious. Mine use to be a methodist preacher but he retired! :( and now he's a nurse! :)
ReplyDeleteMonica: Yes my dad is a Baptist preacher. Thank you so much for the compliments.
ReplyDeleteHaha I bet they were loud. I wish we lived closer to a railroad track but Ill take what pictures I can get.
Amusing Redhead: You're welcome. Thanks!!!