Corn and my youngest sister's tootsies |
Cuke and the first blossom |
I can hardly believe the pictures above are only a week or so old - our garden has grown so much since then!!!
For instance, pea plants that only had buds, now have pea pods...which my family and I just devoured several of.
Red onions peaked their little heads outa the earth for a day or so before they were gently re-covered.
Lettuce has bushed out more, and grown thicker. Just waiting for height....
Carrot leaves look like they should; only in miniature. I look forward to finding out how the actual carrots turn out!
Corn has stayed short so far, but there have been many new 'leaves', if you will, sprouting out if the center and drooping over the edge. I have hope for them yet.
One of the cukes has been sickly from the start, and I'm pretty sure it is not going to make it. However, the others have blossomed like crazy and I am looking forward to the familiar sight of infant cucumbers where the buds used to be.
I have never, ever, been successful with getting cantaloupe to even sprout. This year, they not only sprouted, but they are going somewhat strong, and covered in flowers. I expect them to turn out a lot like last year's watermelon - lacking quite a bit, but a start. I'll learn and do better. =)
This year's watermelon is currently at the stage that last year's plant was by the end of Aug. At this current rate of improvement, I have high hopes for future watermelon yet! And yes, we have lots of blooms on them, too.
I am SO proud of our broccoli! I had no idea how they grow, and while I still do not, I have one plant that actually looks like the broccoli that you get in the store. Well, it's nowhere near as big, and I have a fear of not picking it before the flowers open, but it's a start!
We have about 1/3 of our plants as cherry tomatoes, or a couple of big tomatoes. I don't actually remember. We are big tomato fans. Currently, we have a lot of flowers, and two plants with one fruit each. And those have grown since the pictures I have...which I took on Saturday or Sunday.
Our pepper plants....well, I seem to remember them doing much better last year, by this point, but it's not a big deal. I don't like peppers. =)
I guess I am so excited about the garden this year because everything is almost as it should be, for once. For once, we:
Started seeds the end of April (as they should be; and indoors, obviously)
Started seeds in big enough pots for them to last until Memorial Day weekend
Despite a two week setback because of the tree on the garden, most all the plants are as good as, or better than they have ever been in previous years
We used proper soil when planting
Weeding hasn't been done quite as often as it has needed to be, but the plants are still thriving
Watering has been done everyday, except maybe two days, and for an hour each time
The garden has complete sun the entire day long after 10 AM
♥ ♥ ♥
Now for the pics!
Do you have a garden that you are proud of? I'd love to see your pics - feel free to post your garden pics to our FB page!