

Another Week Over...

Well, mostly. Close enough, right?
First off, Happy New Year!!!

Let's see...

We have a new listing!
Doesn't it look so comfy-wumfy-fuzzy-wuzzy-cutie-patootie?!
Good, cuz that's what we thought too. =)

We've been looking forward to this year for some time now...but now that we're here, we're not exactly sure why it's not as awesome and fire-worksy as we were expecting. Seems that maybe the party peeps didn't get the memo?
Sometimes it's hard work being unrecognized awesomeness. 

Ok, that's not totally true. Somebody special in the midwest recognized our awesomeness yesterday when they ordered our socks set. First sale of the year, three days in = wethinks this'll be a rawther good year. Hm?
Robyn is working on some very classy dresses, I'm pulling out fabrics for ... idk, I guess they're jumper dresses or sundresses or something like that. I've gotta get us rolling on Single Person Awareness Day (aka Valentine's Day) dresses - so the single peeps can perk up. ; ) And Elisa is getting ready for a huge trip with her family, so we'll see if she has time to make jewelry and sew. 

Winter Line 2013 - Deciding the plan 
New Patterns to use - Making a list...
Pinterest - Super slacking
Sales - the highest they've been all year! ;)

If you will all forgive me, I'll stop being silly and hangin' with see, I may or may not have had a bomb go off in my room...three weeks ago...and things may have gone downhill since then. I may also happen to be the teensiest, weensiest bit OCD when I can't find a clean spot in my room. And when every two seconds into schoolwork I hop up and start cleaning before I realize what I'm doing, it may be a sign.
A sign that I'm lazy.
Or that I'm so busy that I don't have time.
I'll let you decide, but it doesn't really matter, since it's a little late to do anything about the past few weeks other than to clean up. =)

Can you imagine how I'll spend tomorrow?
WRONG! I won't be cleaning all day. I'll spend a good portion of the day sleeping, playing new wii games, and dancing in my room when I'm certain no one is looking. A fraction of my day will be assigned to looking like I'm cleaning. I'll really be reading, playing music, *dancing*, throwing stuff around when someone walks by my door, and wishing myself somewhere else, and with a maid to clean for me. =D

So if you'll excuse me, I have Paiglems to cause tomorrow and prepare for tonight....
~ Paige

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