

Yuck! Sickness :P

Yep I'm still here. Don't ya worry about me. Just a quick post to show ya that I'm still alive :P

Sooo yeah Paige has pneumonia and I'm getting over the fun fun...YUCK!

I haven't seen Paige in almost two weeks!!!!! :'( and I might not even see her tomorrow at church if she is still feeling icky.

Tomorrow evening is our candlelight service. It's, I guess you could call it, our Christmas Service. We always have it the Sunday before Christmas. My dad reads the Christmas story (Luke 2) and we have lots of singing and music. Sadly I will not be singing this year other than a choir special due to loss of voice these last two weeks (no way to practice). Paige, however, if she is feeling up to it, will be playing a piano special. I can't wait to hear it. If she can't play it tomorrow, I'll come to her house and force her to play it for me ;D
After the service we have food and fellowship or as my dad says Finger Food Fellowship with Friends and Family and Fun or something along those lines...

So I just want to know (and so does Paige cause I say so) if you have any favorite Christmas traditions you would like to share with us or any Christmas recipes? :D

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
God bless!!!

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