

Let's Do That Monday Stuff

I'm feeling extremely crummy and my head is pounding. My goal is to stick with what's necessary and leave it at that. 

N E W  L I S T I N G S

I N  P R O D U C T I O N
- 3 hats
- 1 sweater dress
- 1 sweater shirt to update an older listing

R E C E N T L Y  S O L D 
 ^ This was an updated 'original' listing ^

Also, we're slowly working on adding to our pages (the blue bar at the top) and today we added our Pinterest link. 
Nothing where we think you should follow us for big scoops or whatevs; just sometimes we add pins of things we're about to do or get, and of course, we pin our listings. If you'd like to see an occasional pinning spurt or a random lonely pin by us, feel free to follow. =)

- Paige

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